Hi, I’m Clare.
Holistic facialist, creator of immersions, much inspired by nature.
If you’ve landed here, you’re likely checking out my work and I hope you feel welcome and at home.
I love to live life in all its fluctuations as it reminds me of how nature ebbs and flows.
Realising some years ago that my likeness to nature, particularly within the feminine archetype, is a blueprint to the least resistant flow in this life,I changed my ways from over-working and conforming to the “job” mentality and set about creating a life that could reflect my own ebbs and flows. A soulful schedule and a freedom to create with all that flowed through me at any given time.
Sounds idyllic, right?
A change of this nature does not come without its challenges, strong doubts and a lot of fear.
Trusting my sense of purpose and deepening the trust in myself outside of constructs around productivity and numbers on a wage slip takes deep inner work all of the time.
It is the essence of this that joins my innate skills and my love for my work in all its forms and evolutions and in many wonderful ways, informs all that I offer.
On a lighter note, my interests and passions lie in all things nature, too. Everything feels connected to this ethereal web we find in our outside world that much reflects the inner one. I am fanatical for wild waters and often read books on the subject. Wondering if there’s any truth in mythical creatures that live both on land and in water and if that could be me. I love to swim and immerse myself in the sea, the river, lakes, streams, mountain pools.
The forest is a place I sometimes joke is my office.
I go there when I feel hemmed in or pressured and space just opens up. It is always a perspective changer for me. Whether I need inspiration for work or to shift my thoughts on something in life it is always a magic spell to just go into the woods.
I am an avid sipper of my beloved heirloom cacao that comes from peru and this is another element of nature that comes in to play a part in my creativity for work and life. My heart softener. Sometimes I gather others and guide them to sip with me and love to share this magic when the time feels right.
I have a grown up son beam that I have raised solo since I was just 19 years old and he is by far my proudest achievement in this life.
Food is a huge passion for me. Nothing makes me happier than foraging ingredients to make something seasonal in the kitchen.
Rest is my number one guide in life, in total and utter rebellion to hustle culture. I never ignore my body’s calls to rest. There is always something wonderful about the refreshment of heeding the call to slow down and feeling more nourished and resourced for doing so.
I guess you can see from this little intro into me, that my life and passions and work all inform one another like an ecology. This is what is known as embodiment and I hope you find something here that you recognise in yourself.